There were three meetings of the Community Task Force on Facilities in the Middle-High School Library on Monday, September 23, 2024.
They were held by the School District of Spring Valley (SVSD).
The goal of these Task Force meetings is to find out what the people of SVSD think about how the District should make a ten-year plan for the future that includes the Spring Valley Schools’ facilities and teaching in the District.
There were about 40 people from the neighborhood there, including six school staff. John Groh, the District Administrator, started the meeting with a “Welcome.” After a short welcome and thank you to everyone who came, he talked about the history of how the Task Force came to be.
After the two ballot questions were turned down last April, the School Board and District Administrator decided that the SVSD could use some help planning for future needs.
This is how they came to work with Nexus Solutions.
Nexus Solutions is the consulting company that is running the Task Force meetings. The School Board hired them after interviewing two other firms to help them plan their facilities.
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