Van hits curb and overcorrects, losing control and overturning

Van hits curb and overcorrects, losing control and overturning

Joplin E-911 received a call of a collision that occurred before 6:30 p.m. in the vicinity of Porter Avenue and Junge Boulevard.

In response, Joplin Police and Fire Department utilised METS AMB.

We find out at the site that it was a collision involving a single vehicle. A minivan had collided with the kerb, then overcorrected, causing it to flip over.

Stabilization of the vehicle was performed by Joplin Fire, and the female driver was extracted from the vehicle through the smashed windscreen.

She sustained injuries that were not considered to be life-threatening and was sent to a nearby hospital.

Van collides with the kerb and overcorrects, causing it to lose control and flip over.

All of the debris and the van were removed from the roadway by Nixon’s Towing. About an hour’s worth of traffic was stuck in a jam.
