Rep. Golden announces Sportsmen for Golden amid criticism from opponent Austin Theriault

Rep. Golden announces Sportsmen for Golden amid criticism from opponent Austin Theriault

WEB TV WGME in Portland, Maine: In Maine’s second district, Jared Golden’s campaign is announcing a “Sportsmen for Golden” effort, while his opponent is talking up how the NRA backs him.


Ed Pineau, who works as an assistant for the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, and Craig Poulin, who used to be President of the Sportsman Alliance of Maine, are both in the Golden group.


Their claim is that Golden has fought against what they call “overreaching” gun control bills while backing gun safety and education.


After the mass shooting in Lewiston, Golden stopped being against a ban on assault guns.


I think what Jared did in that one change – and it wasn’t a flipflop, it was a change – took more guts, more courage, more leadership than someone who wants to sit around and cast stones and cast aspersions about him,” Poulin said.


“To say that Jared is anti-gun is a blatant lie,” Pineau said.


The New York Times said in 2022 that Congressman Golden was “the only Democrat in Congress to get a good rating from the NRA, with a B.”


This year, they gave Rep. Golden a “F.”


The campaign for his opponent, Austin Theriault, says that the NRA has given him a “A” grade, writing in part:


“It does not matter if you carry a firearm to protect your family, to hunt, or because you are a shooting sports enthusiast, Jared Golden’s radical anti-gun agenda will strip you of your Second Amendment rights.”