Marist polls: Harris leads Trump in Michigan, Wisconsin; they re tied in Pennsylvania

Marist polls: Harris leads Trump in Michigan, Wisconsin; they re tied in Pennsylvania

New Marist polls show that Vice President Harris is ahead of former President Trump by 5 points among potential voters in Michigan and by a small margin in Wisconsin. In Pennsylvania, however, the two candidates are tied.


52 percent of likely voters in Michigan backed Harris, while 47 percent backed Trump. In Wisconsin, 50 percent of likely voters backed Harris, while 49 percent said they backed Trump.


A poll of potential voters in Pennsylvania found that both Harris and Trump got 49% of the vote from those people. Pennsylvania is a battleground state.


With 47% of independents in Michigan voting for Trump and 49% voting for Harris, the gap between the two candidates grew. With 50% of white voters’ votes, Trump was ahead of Harris with 48%, and with 77% of black voters’ votes, Harris was ahead of Trump with 21%.


In Michigan, the population was split between men and women. Trump had more votes than Harris (52% to 47%) among men, but Harris had more votes than Trump (56% to 41%) among women.


Among independents in Wisconsin, Harris had a bigger lead over Trump than Trump did overall, with 51% to 47%.


Five percent of white voters backed Harris, while only four percent backed Trump. Among nonwhite voters, Harris had a lead of 56 percent to Trump’s 43 percent.


Also in Wisconsin, Harris beat Trump with both men and women voting for him. Harris had more votes than Trump (56% to 43%) among women, but Trump had more votes than Harris (53% to 45%) among men.


Trump had a bigger lead over Harris among independents in Pennsylvania, with 49% to 45%.


On top of that, he beat her by 51% to 48% among white voters, while Harris beat her by 59% to 38% among nonwhite voters.


Trump had more votes than Harris did among Pennsylvania men (54 to 44), but Harris had more votes than Trump among women (55 to 43).


In a different poll of the same states, the vice president beat the former president in all three battlegrounds.


A study from Quinnipiac University that came out on Wednesday showed that Harris had a six-point lead over Trump in Pennsylvania, a five-point lead over Trump in Michigan, and a one-point lead over Trump in Wisconsin.


The Hill/Decision Desk HQ polling, on the other hand, shows that the race is much tighter in all three swing states.


It looks like Harris is ahead by 1.4% in Michigan, 2.6% in Wisconsin, and 1% in Pennsylvania when all three states are added together.


From September 12–17, the Marist polls were done. There is a 3.1 percentage point margin of error for the Michigan poll, which had 1,354 adults fill it out.


There is a 3.3 percentage point margin of error for the Wisconsin poll, which looked at 1,431 adults. The Pennsylvania poll that had 1,754 people in it has a margin of error of +/- 2.9 percentage points.

