Farmer Almanac Now Says Illinois in for Wet Winter Whirlwind

Farmer Almanac Now Says Illinois in for Wet Winter Whirlwind

Over the past two weeks, something has changed. If I don’t remember wrong, the Farmer’s Almanac said that Illinois and Missouri would have a pretty normal winter.


A “wet winter whirlwind” is what the weather prediction for the Land of Lincoln says will happen.


I had to check my notes again because I thought Illinois and Missouri had similar winter weather.


But it’s possible that I’m mixing up the “new” and “old” Farmer’s Almanac books. This one is very different from the last one I remember, and it looks a little worse for Illinois.


The Farmer’s Almanac shared this picture of what the winter of 2024–2025 will be like. Now look at the map. Missouri is not in the “cold, wet, and white” area, but Illinois is.


People say that La Niña will bring about the “wet winter whirlwind” in Illinois.


It’s possible that the change in the forecast is because those conditions seem to be getting worse faster than expected.


Also, they say that a big cold blast is most likely to hit Illinois between the last week of January 2025 and the first week of February 2025.


While that isn’t totally out of the ordinary, it would be strange if this was a pattern for the whole winter.

