Byron Donalds demands Biden prevent East Coast port strike: Where is he?

Byron Donalds demands Biden prevent East Coast port strike: Where is he?

President Joe Biden has been asked by Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) to stop a strike along the East Coast that would have a big effect on the economy if it happened.


The Biden administration has said that they have no plans to use a federal rule to stop a strike along the ports of the United States, from Texas to Maine.


But Donalds is saying that this will “send shockwaves through the pocketbooks” of families by making prices go up even more.


There are workers at thirty-two docks that are part of the International Longshoremen’s Association.


The association has said that its members are ready to go on strike on October 1 if a new labor agreement isn’t made before then.


Trump said on Fox News’s The Faulkner Focus, “The bigger question is why isn’t the Biden and Harris administration trying to do anything about this?” “They should be taking part now.”


That’s what the leadership of the president looks like, and the fact that they’re just going to watch is a lot like the rest of their economic policy. They do nothing while bad policies are put in place and then don’t do anything when the costs to all Americans rise.


Mr. Donalds said that a study said the country’s economy would lose $5 billion every day until the strike ends if this strike happened. He also said that this would make things worse for families who are already having money problems and that a new deal needs to be made “pretty quickly.”


“But this is the job of the executive branch,” Trump said, referring to Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. “Congress has given the president that power and the possibility to step in.” Where is he? Honestly, where is she?”


The congressman from Florida said that the other ports that aren’t touched by the strikes would not be able to fully cover the East Coast ports. Donalds also said that California’s “crazy environment rules,” which say what kinds of goods can be shipped, were a big reason for this.


Using the federal Taft-Hartley Act, Biden could step in and stop a strike. This would set up an 80-day cooling-off time while negotiations go on. Workers still have to go to work while talks are going on.

