Be Alert of Recent Scams Targeting Mainers

Be Alert of Recent Scams Targeting Mainers

Scams have existed for a long time, but they have grown in popularity in recent years, with scammers becoming more adept at targeting people using new, innovative methods.

One scam that I and several other Mainers have recently encountered is a call from “The Tax Center,” claiming that we owe back taxes. Is there a catch? They offer to wipe out the debt through the “Complete Tax Forgiveness Program.” Doesn’t this sound too good to be true? That’s because it is.

Fortunately, many phones now identify these calls as “Scam Likely” or something similar. However, just because a call appears to be from a 207 phone number does not mean it is legitimate. Scammers can spoof numbers, making it appear that the call is coming from a local number.

One of the main targets? Senior citizens. They are scammers’ bread and butter, whether through forged phone calls, fraudulent texts, or dubious online links. These con artists can be charming, sneaky, or downright aggressive, and unfortunately, their methods are often successful.

Bottom line: Never give out personal information or send money to a stranger. Be cautious when clicking random links. It’s also a good idea to check in with the seniors in your life and give them an update or a refresher on these scam attempts. A simple reminder can go a long way toward protecting them.
